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Massively parallel barcode sequencing revealed the interchangeability of capsule transporters in Streptococcus pneumoniae Wan-Zhen Chia, Rachel Lyn Ee Wong, Nicole Ng Chyi Shien, Tong Su, Matthias Maiwald, Kean Lee Chew, Raymond Tzer-Pin Lin, Alyson Hockenberry, Min Loo, Lok-To Sham, Science Advances, 2025

Minorities drive growth resumption in cross-feeding microbial communities Gabriele Micali, Alyson Hockenberry, Alma dal Co, Martin Ackermann, PNAS, 2023

Microbiota-derived metabolites inhibit Salmonella virulent subpopulation development by acting on single-cell behaviors Alyson Hockenberry, Gabriele Micali, Gabriella Takàcs, Jessica Weng, Wolf Dietrich Hardt, Martin Ackermann, PNAS, 2021

A rationally designed oral vaccine induces immunoglobulin A in the murine gut that directs the evolution of attenuated Salmonella variants M Diard, E Bakkeren, D Hoces, V Lentsch, M Arnoldini, F Böhi, K Schumann-Moor, J Adamcik, L Picoli, A Lanzavecchia, BM Stadtmueller, N Donohue, MW van der Woude, Alyson Hockenberry, P Viollier, L Falquet, D Wuthrich, F Bonfiglio, A Egli, G Zandomeneghi, R Mezzenga, O Holst, BH Meier, WD Hardt, E Slack, Nature Microbiology, 2021

Perturbing the acetylation status of the Type IV pilus retraction motor, PilT, reduces Neisseria gonorrhoeae viability Alyson Hockenberry, Deborah Post, Katherine A Rhodes, Michael Apicella, Magdalene So. Molecular Microbiology, 2018

Attenuation of the Type IV pilus retraction motor, PilT, influences Neisseria gonorrhoeae social and infection behavior Alyson Hockenberry, Danielle Hutchens, Al Agellon, Magdalene So. mBio, 2016

Isolation and characterization of Neisseria musculi sp. nov from the wild house mouse Nathan J Weyand, Man Cheong Ma, M Phifer-Rixey, Nyiawung Taku, María Rendón, Alyson Hockenberry, Won Jong Kim, Al Agellon, Nicolas Biais, TA Suzuki, L Goodyear-Salt, Odile Harrison, Holly Bratcher, MW Nachman, Martin Maiden, Magdalene So. International Journal of Systemic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016

Mutations in the N-terminus of the ΦX174 DNA pilot protein H confer defects in both assembly and host attachment Lindsey Young, Alyson Hockenberry, Bentley Fane. Journal of Virology, 2014

Sigma factor RpoN regulates pilE transcription in commensal Neisseria elongata María Rendón, Alyson Hockenberry, Stephen McManus, Magdalene So. Molecular Microbiology, 2013

Identification and characterization of nucleolin as COUP-TFII coactivator of retinoic acid receptor βtranscription in breast cancer cells LM Litchfield*, KA Riggs*, Alyson Hockenberry, LD Oliver, KG Barnhart, J Cai, WM Pierce Jr, MM Ivanova, PJ Bates, SN Appana, S Datta, P Kulesza, J McBryan, LS Young, CM Klinge. PLoS ONE, 2012


From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time NCCR Microbiomes consortium, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2023

License to clump: Secretory IgA structure-function relationships across scales Alyson Hockenberry, Emma Slack, Beth Stadtmueller, Annual Reviews in Microbiology, 2023


Nanoscale clustering by O-antigen-Secretory Immunoglobulin-A binding limits outer membrane diffusion by encaging individual Salmonella cells Alyson Hockenberry, Milad Radiom, Markus Arnoldini, Yagmur Turgay, Matthew Dunne, Jozef Adamcik, Beth Stadtmueller, Raffaele Mezzenga, Martin Ackermann, Emma Slack